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 Thank you visiting our site.

Alisho dependable insurance agency is an independent insurance agency established in 2010. This  year was an historical economic challenge in  USA  and around the world for all businesses. However, that challenge did not deter the individual who has  believe in him self , the future and ,  the business man that has motivation and can do attitude. The owner did started this business during the time many business  closed and many business struggle to survive. Today in 2011 this agency is on its  second face which is step  for growth in this industry. ADIA is now one of the insurance agency serving twin city and all around it. The agency at the moment provide service in property and causality line of the businesses. In a near future will be full service agency.

At present, our web site is still under construction. We are making an effort to present you with our entire spectrum of services as soon as possible. At this point we can provide you with information regarding  our contact information,address and insurance product  we serve  our customer. The emphasis of our site is on stay connected to our customer and web presence to public at large. See contact...

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know  what we can do to serve you better and , we will be more than happy to help.

In brief, you should know the following about us: our company was established in 2010  and had been responsible for providing outstanding  property  and cusuality insurance policy processing services ever since. Our specialty is in the area of property  and cusuality insurance product. Our regular customers particularly value our humanity integrated  daily customer services. Our business based in Minneapolis Minnesota  at the above address.The product we currently  serve is Auto,commercial auto,home,Motorcycle,business insurance,employment practice liability and more to come in the near future

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in insurance market for both our   customers and company we represent to sale their product. ADIA staff is dedicated to play responsible role in transfer of risk  from individual and businesses to insurance company that trusted us to be their face in the market.


In the meantime, you can reach us at office  612 354 2576, cell  651 354 4849 and email- adia@adepndableinsagy.com  and by fax at 612 886 2659. We are looking forward to hear from you. You can also  walk in at 1929 5th street south suite#104 Minneapolis,mn,55454.    


ADIA  is not responsible for any third party you encounter through our webcite,or referal. if our customer prefer to go to another webcite or agency  our part is only referal as to available options for them. the party that you contacted or contacted you is  separet insurance agency or company. they are all responsible for their own business acitivtieis. In regard to third party ADIA will not make any offer or for that matter any offer online through our  web cite. for any insurance policy processing acitiviteis our customer has to get in touch personaly or over the phone with our staff to process insurance policy. Any other interaction on the webcite or email will be used as tool to get in touch with our customer.

ADIA also represent insurance company as an agency.  Companies we represent assume thier responsiblity of insuring our customer from the effective date of the policy on document isued. Moreover, manages claims properly  in compliance of state and federal insurance law. We believe that all companies that we represent will do that.There will not be any active insurance policy until our producer told you that it is effctive. after complited all pree condtions of processing  insurance  policy.

